Detailed information of TP63

Dataset summary

TF Name: TP63 Species: Homo sapiens
Cell-type/Tissue: MCF10A (breast epithelial cells) Condition/Source: Treatment: 5 uM Nutlin3A for 6 hrs;
JASPAR ID: MA0525.2 Collections: Permissive Robust
References: GEO GSE111009 GSM3020134 GTRD EXP057962

External links

Statistical details

Model Peak caller Model ID Enrichment Zone TFBSs Score threshold Centrality p-value (log10)
DAMO MACS MA0525.2 80.5 35495 80.5 -63.3964639974197

41 datasets found for the same TF (TP63) in other cell-types/tissues

TF Name Cell-line Condition/Source Collections Species Identifiers JASPAR ID
TP63 HaCaT (keratinocytes) Ad-LacZ Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE60812 ... MA0525.2
TP63 HaCaT (keratinocytes) Ad-LacZ and 3 ng/ml of TGF-beta3 for 1.5 hrs Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE60812 ... MA0525.2
TP63 HaCaT (keratinocytes) Ad-caRAS and 3 ng/ml of TGF-beta3 for 1.5 hrs Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE60812 ... MA0525.2
TP63 HaCaT (keratinocytes) Ad-dnRAS and 3 ng/ml of TGF-beta3 for 1.5 hrs Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE60812 ... MA0525.2
TP63 keratinocytes Genotype: shRNA shSC Cells were harvested by scraping from plates and washed twice in 1× PBS before storage at -80°C. Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE110453 ... MA0525.2
TP63 primary keratinocytes Passage: p1 Strain: C57BL/6 Genotype: wildtype Source: E18.5 derived primary murine keratinocytes Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE79448 ... MA0525.2
TP63 primary keratinocytes Passage: p1 Strain: C57BL/6 Genotype: TAp63-/- Source: E18.5 derived primary murine keratinocytes Permissive Mus musculus GSE79448 ... MA0525.2
TP63 primary keratinocytes Passage: p1 Strain: C57BL/6 Genotype: {delta}Np63-/- Source: E18.5 derived primary murine keratinocytes Permissive Mus musculus GSE79448 ... MA0525.2
TP63 cultured keratinocytes Genotype: wildtype Tissue: Skin Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE97213 ... MA0525.2
TP63 surface ectoderm cells Treatment: Doxycycline for 2 days Geenotype: TetO:Tp63+/- Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE122128 ... MA0525.2
TP63 surface ectoderm cells Treatment: Day 7 of differentiation with RA/BMP4 Genotype: wildtype Source: background cell line WA 09 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE122128 ... MA0525.2
TP63 human keratinocytes Treatment: Day 0 of epidermal differentiation Genotype: wildtype Source: background cell line WA 09 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE122128 ... MA0525.2
TP63 tongue Source: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma; Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE104137 ... MA0525.2
TP63 MCF10A (breast epithelial cells) Treatment: DMSO for 6 hrs; Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE111009 ... MA0525.2
TP63 MCF10A (breast epithelial cells) Treatment: DMSO for 6 hrs; Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE111009 ... MA0525.2
TP63 squamous cell carcinoma Conditions: low calcium (50uM) conditions for 24 hrs; Strain: C57BL/6; Tissue: skin; Permissive Mus musculus GSE104142 ... MA0525.2
TP63 keratinocytes epidermal_KDPAF Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE67382 MA0525.2
TP63 MCF10A (breast epithelial cells) DCIS Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE72009 MA0525.2
TP63 keratinocytes Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE17611 ... MA0525.2
TP63 keratinocytes Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE17611 ... MA0525.2
TP63 neonatal keratinocytes Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE32061 ... MA0525.2
TP63 JHU-029 (laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE88859 ... MA0525.2
TP63 EP156T (primary prostate cells) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE43111 MA0525.2
TP63 HCC95 (squamous cell lung carcinoma) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE46837 MA0525.2
TP63 KYSE70 (esophageal squamous carcinoma) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE46837 MA0525.2
TP63 TT (hereditary thyroid gland medullary carcinoma) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE46837 MA0525.2
TP63 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE64298 MA0525.2
TP63 MDA-MB-231 (breast adenocarcinoma) Permissive Homo sapiens GSE72009 MA0525.2
TP63 keratinocytes diff Permissive Homo sapiens GSE33571 MA0525.2
TP63 keratinocytes ADRIA Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE56674 MA0525.2
TP63 keratinocytes CISP Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE56674 MA0525.2
TP63 keratinocytes D0 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE59824 MA0525.2
TP63 keratinocytes D2 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE59824 MA0525.2
TP63 keratinocytes D4 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE59824 MA0525.2
TP63 keratinocytes D7 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE59824 MA0525.2
TP63 HaCaT (keratinocytes) caRAS_TGFB Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE60814 MA0525.2
TP63 HaCaT (keratinocytes) dnRAS_TGFB Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE60814 MA0525.2
TP63 HaCaT (keratinocytes) LacZ Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE60814 MA0525.2
TP63 HaCaT (keratinocytes) LacZ_TGFB Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE60814 MA0525.2
TP63 keratinocytes Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE33571 MA0525.2
TP63 keratinocytes Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE56674 MA0525.2