Detailed information of CLAMP

Dataset summary

TF Name: CLAMP Species: Drosophila melanogaster
Cell-type/Tissue: KC167 (developmental stage: 6-12h embryo) Condition/Source: Treatment: mock;
JASPAR ID: MA1700.1 Collections: Permissive
References: GEO GSE103601 GSM2775116 GTRD EXP057693

External links

Statistical details

Model Peak caller Model ID Enrichment Zone TFBSs Score threshold Centrality p-value (log10)
DAMO MACS MA1700.1 7.5 15 86.9 0.0

32 datasets found for the same TF (CLAMP) in other cell-types/tissues

TF Name Cell-line Condition/Source Collections Species Identifiers JASPAR ID
CLAMP whole organism (development stage: embryonic) strain: CG1832-GFP, genotype: w[1118]; Pbac{y[+mDint2] w[+mC]=CG1832-GFP.FPTB}VK00033, sex:mixed Permissive Drosophila melanogaster ENCSR858HYS MA1700.1
CLAMP S2 cells CLAMP RNAi Permissive Robust Drosophila melanogaster GSE107059 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP S2 cells GFP RNAi Permissive Robust Drosophila melanogaster GSE107059 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP S2 cells GAF RNAi Permissive Robust Drosophila melanogaster GSE107059 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP Kc167 (development stage: embryonic) control RNAi Permissive Robust Drosophila melanogaster GSE39271 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP S2-DGRC (embryonic stem cells) MSL2 RNAi Permissive Robust Drosophila melanogaster GSE39271 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP S2-DGRC (embryonic stem cells) control RNAi Permissive Robust Drosophila melanogaster GSE39271 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP whole organism (developmental stage: L3) gender: female Permissive Robust Drosophila melanogaster GSE83435 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP whole organism (developmental stage: L3) gender: female Permissive Robust Drosophila melanogaster GSE83435 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP sorted female-enriched embryos Source: nuclear cycle is near 10; Sex: female; Permissive Drosophila melanogaster GSE119448 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP sorted female-enriched embryos Source: nuclear cycle is 11; Sex: female; Permissive Robust Drosophila melanogaster GSE119448 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP sorted female-enriched embryos Source: nuclear cycle is late 14; Sex: female; Permissive Robust Drosophila melanogaster GSE119448 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP sorted female-enriched embryos Source: nuclear cycle is 13; Sex: female; Permissive Robust Drosophila melanogaster GSE119448 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP sorted female-enriched embryos Source: nuclear cycle is 12; Sex: female; Permissive Robust Drosophila melanogaster GSE119448 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP S2 (Schneider 2) Genotype: clamp RNAi Sex: male Permissive Drosophila melanogaster GSE119708 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP S2 (Schneider 2) Genotype: clamp RNAi Sex: male Permissive Robust Drosophila melanogaster GSE119708 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP S2 (Schneider 2) Genotype: clamp RNAi Sex: male Permissive Robust Drosophila melanogaster GSE119708 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP S2 (Schneider 2) Genotype: clamp RNAi Sex: male Permissive Drosophila melanogaster GSE119708 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP S2 (Schneider 2) Genotype: gst RNAi Sex: male Permissive Drosophila melanogaster GSE119708 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP S2 (Schneider 2) Genotype: gst RNAi Sex: male Permissive Robust Drosophila melanogaster GSE119708 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP S2 (Schneider 2) Genotype: gst RNAi Sex: male Permissive Robust Drosophila melanogaster GSE119708 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP S2 (Schneider 2) Genotype: trl RNAi Sex: male Permissive Robust Drosophila melanogaster GSE119708 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP S2 (Schneider 2) Genotype: trl RNAi Sex: male Permissive Robust Drosophila melanogaster GSE119708 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP S2 (Schneider 2) Genotype: trl RNAi Sex: male Permissive Robust Drosophila melanogaster GSE119708 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP KC167 (developmental stage: 6-12h embryo) Treatment: mock; Permissive Drosophila melanogaster GSE103601 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP KC167 (developmental stage: 6-12h embryo) Treatment: mock; Permissive Drosophila melanogaster GSE103601 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP KC167 (developmental stage: 6-12h embryo) Treatment: mock; Permissive Drosophila melanogaster GSE103601 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP KC167 (developmental stage: 6-12h embryo) Treatment: dsCLAMP; Permissive Drosophila melanogaster GSE103601 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP KC167 (developmental stage: 6-12h embryo) Treatment: mock; Sex: female; Permissive Drosophila melanogaster GSE118699 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP KC167 (developmental stage: 6-12h embryo) Treatment: mock; Sex: female; Permissive Drosophila melanogaster GSE118699 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP KC167 (developmental stage: 6-12h embryo) Treatment: CP190 knockdown; Sex: female; Permissive Drosophila melanogaster GSE118699 ... MA1700.1
CLAMP KC167 (developmental stage: 6-12h embryo) Treatment: CP190 knockdown; Sex: female; Permissive Drosophila melanogaster GSE118699 ... MA1700.1