Detailed information of RELA

Dataset summary

TF Name: RELA Species: Mus musculus
Cell-type/Tissue: Treg (regulatory T cells from lymph nodes and spleen) Condition/Source: Source: Treg + anti-CD3/CD28 stimulationTissue: Spleens+Lymph nodes
JASPAR ID: MA0107.1 Collections: Permissive Robust
References: GEO GSE99319 GSM2641053 GTRD EXP052466 PUBMED 28889947

External links

Statistical details

Model Peak caller Model ID Enrichment Zone TFBSs Score threshold Centrality p-value (log10)
DAMO MACS MA0107.1 89.5 4704 89.2 -9.36722563992882

219 datasets found for the same TF (RELA) in other cell-types/tissues

TF Name Cell-line Condition/Source Collections Species Identifiers JASPAR ID
RELA GM10847 (female B-cells Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines) human recombinant TNF-alpha from eBioscience [product# 14-8329-62] (Snyder) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens ENCSR000DYM MA0107.1
RELA GM12878 (female B-cells lymphoblastoid cell line) human recombinant TNF-alpha from eBioscience [product# 14-8329-62] (Snyder) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens ENCSR000EAG MA0107.1
RELA GM12891 (male B- cells lymphoblastoid cell line) human recombinant TNF-alpha from eBioscience [product# 14-8329-62] (Snyder) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens ENCSR000EAI MA0107.1
RELA GM12892 (female B-cells lymphoblastoid cell line) human recombinant TNF-alpha from eBioscience [product# 14-8329-62] (Snyder) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens ENCSR000EAN MA0107.1
RELA GM15510 (B-cells) human recombinant TNF-alpha from eBioscience [product# 14-8329-62] (Snyder) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens ENCSR000EAQ MA0107.1
RELA GM18505 (female B-cells Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines) human recombinant TNF-alpha from eBioscience [product# 14-8329-62] (Snyder) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens ENCSR000EAW MA0107.1
RELA GM18526 (B – cells Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines) human recombinant TNF-alpha from eBioscience [product# 14-8329-62] (Snyder) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens ENCSR000EBA MA0107.1
RELA GM18951 (B-cells Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines) human recombinant TNF-alpha from eBioscience [product# 14-8329-62] (Snyder) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens ENCSR000EBD MA0107.1
RELA GM19099 (female B-cells Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines) human recombinant TNF-alpha from eBioscience [product# 14-8329-62] (Snyder) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens ENCSR000EBI MA0107.1
RELA GM19193 (female B-cells Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines) human recombinant TNF-alpha from eBioscience [product# 14-8329-62] (Snyder) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens ENCSR000EBM MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) 3 hr LPS stimulated macrophages Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE16723 ... MA0107.1
RELA GM19193 (female B-cells Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines) TNF-alpha induced (6h) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE19485 ... MA0107.1
RELA GM18505 (female B-cells Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines) TNF-alpha induced (6h) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE19485 ... MA0107.1
RELA GM19099 (female B-cells Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines) TNF-alpha induced (6h) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE19485 ... MA0107.1
RELA GM15510 (B-cells) TNF-alpha induced (6h) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE19485 ... MA0107.1
RELA GM12892 (female B-cells lymphoblastoid cell line) TNF-alpha induced (6h) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE19485 ... MA0107.1
RELA GM10847 (female B-cells Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines) TNF-alpha induced (6h) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE19485 ... MA0107.1
RELA GM18951 (B-cells Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines) TNF-alpha induced (6h) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE19485 ... MA0107.1
RELA GM18526 (B – cells Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines) TNF-alpha induced (6h) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE19485 ... MA0107.1
RELA GM12878 (female B-cells lymphoblastoid cell line) TNF-alpha induced (6h) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE19485 ... MA0107.1
RELA GM12891 (male B- cells lymphoblastoid cell line) TNF-alpha induced (6h) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE19485 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) Dexamethasone treated, LPS-stimulated Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE31796 ... MA0107.1
RELA 3T3-L1 (embryonic fibroblasts) differentiated TNF Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE35724 ... MA0107.1
RELA macrophages Kdo2 Lipid A (KLA) 1h Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE50944 ... MA0107.1
RELA macrophages Kdo2 Lipid A (KLA) 1h Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE50944 ... MA0107.1
RELA dendritic cells LPS, 0 min Permissive Mus musculus GSE36099 ... MA0107.1
RELA dendritic cells LPS, 120 min Permissive Mus musculus GSE36099 ... MA0107.1
RELA dendritic cells LPS, 30 min Permissive Mus musculus GSE36099 ... MA0107.1
RELA dendritic cells LPS, 60 min Permissive Mus musculus GSE36099 ... MA0107.1
RELA peritoneal macrophages 100 ng/ml Kdo2-LipidA 1 hr Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE46494 ... MA0107.1
RELA peritoneal macrophages 100 ng/ml Kdo2-LipidA 1 hr Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE46494 ... MA0107.1
RELA macrophages none Permissive Mus musculus GSE48759 ... MA0107.1
RELA macrophages Kdo2 Lipid A (KLA) 1h Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE48759 ... MA0107.1
RELA macrophages Kdo2 Lipid A (KLA) 6h Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE48759 ... MA0107.1
RELA macrophages Kdo2 Lipid A (KLA) 24h Permissive Mus musculus GSE48759 ... MA0107.1
RELA macrophages none Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE48759 ... MA0107.1
RELA macrophages Kdo2 Lipid A (KLA) 1h Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE48759 ... MA0107.1
RELA macrophages DMSO 7h, Kdo2 Lipid A (KLA) 6h Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE48759 ... MA0107.1
RELA macrophages Flavopiridol 7h, Kdo2 Lipid A (KLA) 6h Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE48759 ... MA0107.1
RELA macrophages DMSO 2h, Kdo2 Lipid A (KLA) 1h Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE48759 ... MA0107.1
RELA macrophages IBET 2h, Kdo2 Lipid A (KLA) 1h Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE48759 ... MA0107.1
RELA retina LPS Permissive Mus musculus GSE54414 ... MA0107.1
RELA retina LPS Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE54414 ... MA0107.1
RELA retina LPS Permissive Mus musculus GSE54414 ... MA0107.1
RELA retina LPS Permissive Mus musculus GSE54414 ... MA0107.1
RELA MDA-MB-231 (breast adenocarcinoma) dexametasone Permissive Homo sapiens GSE56022 ... MA0107.1
RELA MDA-MB-231 (breast adenocarcinoma) compaund A Permissive Homo sapiens GSE56022 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) Lipid A stimulation for 0 minutes Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE67343 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) Lipid A stimulation for 15 minutes Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE67343 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) Lipid A stimulation for 30 minutes Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE67343 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) Lipid A stimulation for 60 minutes Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE67343 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) Lipid A stimulation for 120 minutes Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE67343 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) vehicle 6h Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE72964 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) tissuehomogenate 6h Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE72964 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) KLA 6h Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE72964 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) TGFb 6h Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE72964 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) no treatment Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE72964 ... MA0107.1
RELA BEAS-2B (bronchial epithelium) TNF Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE79803 ... MA0107.1
RELA BEAS-2B (bronchial epithelium) dexamethasone + TNF Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE79803 ... MA0107.1
RELA BEAS-2B (bronchial epithelium) vehicle Permissive Homo sapiens GSE79803 ... MA0107.1
RELA monocyte-derived macrophages TNF (10ng/ml) for 24 hours Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE100381 ... MA0107.1
RELA SW480 (colon adenocarcinoma) TNF-alpha 0 h Permissive Homo sapiens GSE102796 ... MA0107.1
RELA SW480 (colon adenocarcinoma) TNF-alpha 16 h Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE102796 ... MA0107.1
RELA MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) E2+ICI Permissive Homo sapiens GSE67295 ... MA0107.1
RELA MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) IL1b+ICI Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE67295 ... MA0107.1
RELA MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) vehicle Permissive Homo sapiens GSE67295 ... MA0107.1
RELA MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) E2 for 45m Permissive Homo sapiens GSE67295 ... MA0107.1
RELA MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) IL1b for 45m Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE67295 ... MA0107.1
RELA MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) TNFa for 45m Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE67295 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages none (control) Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE79423 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages KLA for 1 hours Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE79423 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages KLA for 6 hours Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE79423 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages KLA for 24 hours Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE79423 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Srebp1 -/- Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE79423 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages KLA for 1 hours, Srebp1 -/- Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE79423 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages KLA for 6 hours, Srebp1 -/- Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE79423 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages KLA for 24 hours, Srebp1 -/- Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE79423 ... MA0107.1
RELA HuH7 (hepatocellular carcinoma) none Permissive Homo sapiens GSE89212 ... MA0107.1
RELA HuH7 (hepatocellular carcinoma) DMEM containing CoV-229E at MOI = 1 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE89212 ... MA0107.1
RELA HuH7 (hepatocellular carcinoma) 10ng/ml IL-1alpha for 1 h Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE89212 ... MA0107.1
RELA HAEC (human aortic endothelial cells) control, 4h Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE89970 ... MA0107.1
RELA HAEC (human aortic endothelial cells) IL1b, 4h Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE89970 ... MA0107.1
RELA HAEC (human aortic endothelial cells) TNFa, 4h Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE89970 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages 0h LPS RelA Permissive Mus musculus GSE93736 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages 3h LPS RelA Permissive Mus musculus GSE93736 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages 8h LPS RelA Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE93736 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Dex 3h pre, 0h LPS RelA Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE93736 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Dex 3h pre, 3h LPS RelA Permissive Mus musculus GSE93736 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Dex 3h pre, 8h LPS RelA Permissive Mus musculus GSE93736 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Dex late, 8h LPS RelA Permissive Mus musculus GSE93736 ... MA0107.1
RELA HepG2 (hepatoblastoma) 10 ng/mL of TNFα Permissive Homo sapiens GSE98983 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages lipid A 0 min Permissive Mus musculus GSE99895 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages lipid A 15 min Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE99895 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages lipid A 30 min Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE99895 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages lipid A 60 min Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE99895 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages lipid A 120 min Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE99895 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages lipid A 0 min; IRF3 KO Permissive Mus musculus GSE99895 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages lipid A 15 min; IRF3 KO Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE99895 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages lipid A 30 min; IRF3 KO Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE99895 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages lipid A 60 min; IRF3 KO Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE99895 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages lipid A 120 min; IRF3 KO Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE99895 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages control Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE106701 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages were treated with IL-4 (20 ng/ml; 24 hours). Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE106701 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages cells differentiated in the presence of MCSF (ctrl_1hLPS) Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE106701 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages cells differentiated in the presence of MCSF (24h IL4_1h LPS) Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE106701 ... MA0107.1
RELA NRCC CellType: clear cell renall cell carcinoma Permissive Homo sapiens GSE109953 ... MA0107.1
RELA BJAB (Burkitt lymphoma) Treatment: 50 ng/ml PMA and 2 uM ionomycin 0 hr (control) Passage: 2-5 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE117250 ... MA0107.1
RELA BJAB (Burkitt lymphoma) Treatment: 50 ng/ml PMA and 2 uM ionomycin 0 hr (control) Passage: 2-5 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE117250 ... MA0107.1
RELA BJAB (Burkitt lymphoma) Treatment: 50 ng/ml PMA and 2 uM ionomycin 1 hr Passage: 2-5 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE117250 ... MA0107.1
RELA BJAB (Burkitt lymphoma) Treatment: 50 ng/ml PMA and 2 uM ionomycin 1 hr Passage: 2-5 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE117250 ... MA0107.1
RELA BJAB (Burkitt lymphoma) Treatment: 50 ng/ml PMA and 2 uM ionomycin 4 hr Passage: 2-5 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE117250 ... MA0107.1
RELA BJAB (Burkitt lymphoma) Treatment: 50 ng/ml PMA and 2 uM ionomycin 4 hr Passage: 2-5 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE117250 ... MA0107.1
RELA HUVEC-C (HUVEC, umbilical vein endothelial cells) Treatment: confluent, treated with Scr siRNA Passage: 4 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE87552 ... MA0107.1
RELA HUVEC-C (HUVEC, umbilical vein endothelial cells) Treatment: confluent, treated with Scr siRNA and stimulated with IL-1beta Passage: 4 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE87552 ... MA0107.1
RELA HUVEC-C (HUVEC, umbilical vein endothelial cells) Treatment: confluent, treated with Notch1 siRNA and stimulated with IL-1beta Passsage: 4 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE87552 ... MA0107.1
RELA HEK293 (embryonic kidney) Treatment: untreated, control Permissive Homo sapiens GSE89017 ... MA0107.1
RELA HEK293 (embryonic kidney) Treatment: stimulated with 1 uU GOx for 15 min Permissive Homo sapiens GSE89017 ... MA0107.1
RELA HEK293 (embryonic kidney) Treatment: stimulated with 1 uU GOx for 30 min Permissive Homo sapiens GSE89017 ... MA0107.1
RELA HEK293 (embryonic kidney) Treatment: stimulated with 1 uU GOx for 60 min Permissive Homo sapiens GSE89017 ... MA0107.1
RELA Detroit 562 (Pharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma) Treatment: no treatment Permissive Homo sapiens GSE91018 ... MA0107.1
RELA Detroit 562 (Pharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma) Treatment: LPS Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE91018 ... MA0107.1
RELA Detroit 562 (Pharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma) treatment: TNFalfa Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE91018 ... MA0107.1
RELA Detroit 562 (Pharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma) Treatment: Pam2CSK4 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE91018 ... MA0107.1
RELA Detroit 562 (Pharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma) Treatment: Poly I:C Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE91018 ... MA0107.1
RELA Detroit 562 (Pharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma) Treatment: M tri-DAP Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE91018 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) Treatment: 10 ng/mL + 100 nM Dex for 45 minutes Age: 8-12 weeks Sex: male Strain: C57BL/6 Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE109131 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) Treatment: untreated Age: 8-12 weeks Sex: male Strain: C57BL/6 Permissive Mus musculus GSE109131 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) KLA 1h; SPRET/EiJ strain Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE109965 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) SPRET/EiJ strain Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE109965 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) PWK/PhJ strain Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE109965 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) KLA 1h; PWK/PhJ strain Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE109965 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) NOD/ShiLtJ strain Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE109965 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) KLA 1h; NOD/ShiLtJ strain Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE109965 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) KLA 1h; C57BL/6J strain Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE109965 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) C57BL/6J strain Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE109965 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) BALB/cJ Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE109965 ... MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) KLA 1h; BALB/cJ Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE109965 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Genotype: wildtype Treatment: LPS for 0h (untreated) Strain: C57BL/6J Permissive Mus musculus GSE93599 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Genotype: wildtype Treatment: LPS for 3hrs Strain: C57BL/6J Permissive Mus musculus GSE93599 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Genotype: wildtype Treatment: LPS for 8hrs Strain: C57BL/6J Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE93599 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Genotype: littermate control Treatment: LPS for 0hrs (untreated) Strain: C57BL/6J Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE93599 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Genotype: littermate control Treatment: LPS for 3h (untreated) Strain: C57BL/6J Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE93599 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Genotype: littermate control Treatment: LPS for 8hrs (untreated) Strain: C57BL/6J Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE93599 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Treatment: KLA (Kdo2-Lipid A) 0hr Genotype: Bmal knockout Strain: C57BL/6J Source: mouse BMDM Permissive Mus musculus GSE95712 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Treatment: KLA (Kdo2-Lipid A) 4hr Genotype: Bmal knockout Strain: C57BL/6J Source: mouse BMDM Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE95712 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Treatment: KLA (Kdo2-Lipid A) 8hr Genotype: Bmal knockout Strain: C57BL/6J Source: mouse BMDM Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE95712 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Treatment: KLA (Kdo2-Lipid A) 12hr Genotype: Bmal knockout Strain: C57BL/6J Source: mouse BMDM Permissive Mus musculus GSE95712 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Treatment: KLA (Kdo2-Lipid A) 24hr Genotype: Bmal knockout Strain: C57BL/6J Source: mouse BMDM Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE95712 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Treatment: KLA (Kdo2-Lipid A) 48hr Genotype: Bmal knockout Strain: C57BL/6J Source: mouse BMDM Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE95712 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Treatment: KLA (Kdo2-Lipid A) 0hr Genotype: wildtype Strain: C57BL/6J Source: mouse BMDM Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE95712 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Treatment: KLA (Kdo2-Lipid A) 4hr Genotype: wildtype Strain: C57BL/6J Source: mouse BMDM Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE95712 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Treatment: KLA (Kdo2-Lipid A) 8hr Genotype: wildtype Strain: C57BL/6J Source: mouse BMDM Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE95712 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Treatment: KLA (Kdo2-Lipid A) 12hr Genotype: wildtype Strain: C57BL/6J Source: mouse BMDM Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE95712 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Treatment: KLA (Kdo2-Lipid A) 24hr Genotype: wildtype Strain: C57BL/6J Source: mouse BMDM Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE95712 ... MA0107.1
RELA bone marrow-derived macrophages Treatment: KLA (Kdo2-Lipid A) 48hr Genotype: wildtype Strain: C57BL/6J Source: mouse BMDM Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE95712 ... MA0107.1
RELA primary hepatocytes Strain: C57BL/6 Source: primary mouse hepatocytes Treatment: IL-1b (10ng/ml) for 2 hr Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE96767 ... MA0107.1
RELA murine Treg (T-regulatory) cells Strain: C57BL/6 Genotype: wildtype Tissue: spleen Permissive Mus musculus GSE98263 ... MA0107.1
RELA Tconv (conventional T cells) Source: Tconv + anti-CD3/CD28 stimulation Tissue: Spleens+Lymph nodes Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE99319 ... MA0107.1
RELA Tconv (conventional T cells) Source: Tconv + anti-CD3/CD28 stimulation Tissue: Spleens+Lymph nodes Permissive Mus musculus GSE99319 ... MA0107.1
RELA Tconv (conventional T cells) Source: Tconv unstimulated Tissue: Spleens+Lymph nodes Permissive Mus musculus GSE99319 ... MA0107.1
RELA Tconv (conventional T cells) Source: Tconv unstimulated Tissue: Spleens+Lymph nodes Permissive Mus musculus GSE99319 ... MA0107.1
RELA Treg (regulatory T cells from lymph nodes and spleen) Source: Treg + anti-CD3/CD28 stimulation Tissue: Spleens+Lymph nodes Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE99319 ... MA0107.1
RELA Treg (regulatory T cells from lymph nodes and spleen) Source: Treg unstimulated Tissue: Spleens+Lymph nodes Permissive Mus musculus GSE99319 ... MA0107.1
RELA Treg (regulatory T cells from lymph nodes and spleen) Source: Treg unstimulated Tissue: Spleens+Lymph nodes Permissive Mus musculus GSE99319 ... MA0107.1
RELA liver Age: adult Strain: C57BL/6 Treatment: 100 ng/ml LPS for 1 hr Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE117488 ... MA0107.1
RELA liver Age: adult Strain: C57BL/6 Treatment: 100 ng/ml LPS for 1 hr Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE117488 ... MA0107.1
RELA liver Age: adult Strain: C57BL/6 Treatment: saline for 1 hr Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE117488 ... MA0107.1
RELA liver Age: adult Strain: C57BL/6 Treatment: saline for 1 hr Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE117488 ... MA0107.1
RELA liver Age: adult Strain: C57BL/6 Conditions: diet regular chow Sex: male Permissive Mus musculus GSE117488 ... MA0107.1
RELA liver Age: adult Strain: C57BL/6 Conditions: diet regular chow Sex: male Permissive Mus musculus GSE117488 ... MA0107.1
RELA liver Age: adult Strain: C57BL/6 Conditions: saturated fat diet Sex: male Permissive Mus musculus GSE117488 ... MA0107.1
RELA liver Age: adult Strain: C57BL/6 Conditions: saturated fat diet Sex: male Permissive Mus musculus GSE117488 ... MA0107.1
RELA liver Treatment: saline Permissive Mus musculus GSE63566 ... MA0107.1
RELA liver Treatment: LPS Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE63566 ... MA0107.1
RELA A549 (lung carcinoma) Treatment: TNFa induction (12 hours); Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE34329 ... MA0107.1
RELA HUVEC-C (HUVEC, umbilical vein endothelial cells) TNF Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE43070 MA0107.1
RELA KB (cervical adenocarcinoma) IL Permissive Homo sapiens GSE52469 MA0107.1
RELA KB (cervical adenocarcinoma) 5Z_IL Permissive Homo sapiens GSE64223 MA0107.1
RELA GM12878 (female B-cells lymphoblastoid cell line) Permissive Homo sapiens ENCSR664POU MA0107.1
RELA BMDM (bone marrow-derived macrophages) Permissive Mus musculus GSE16723 ... MA0107.1
RELA macrophages Permissive Mus musculus GSE50944 ... MA0107.1
RELA macrophages Permissive Mus musculus GSE50944 ... MA0107.1
RELA retina Permissive Mus musculus GSE54414 ... MA0107.1
RELA MDA-MB-231 (breast adenocarcinoma) Permissive Homo sapiens GSE56022 ... MA0107.1
RELA monocyte-derived macrophages Permissive Homo sapiens GSE100381 ... MA0107.1
RELA RCC 7860 (Renal cell carcinoma) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE86092 ... MA0107.1
RELA HepG2 (hepatoblastoma) Permissive Homo sapiens GSE98983 ... MA0107.1
RELA GM12878 (female B-cells lymphoblastoid cell line) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE55105 ... MA0107.1
RELA L1236 (Hodgkin lymphoma) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE63736 MA0107.1
RELA DMSO Permissive Homo sapiens GSE24518 MA0107.1
RELA GRKD_DMSO Permissive Homo sapiens GSE24518 MA0107.1
RELA GRKD_TA_TNFA Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE24518 MA0107.1
RELA P65KD_DMSO Permissive Homo sapiens GSE24518 MA0107.1
RELA P65KD_TA_TNFA Permissive Homo sapiens GSE24518 MA0107.1
RELA TA Permissive Homo sapiens GSE24518 MA0107.1
RELA TA_TNFA Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE24518 MA0107.1
RELA TNFA Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE24518 MA0107.1
RELA HUVEC-C (HUVEC, umbilical vein endothelial cells) TNF_0M Permissive Homo sapiens GSE34500 MA0107.1
RELA HUVEC-C (HUVEC, umbilical vein endothelial cells) TNF_30M Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE34500 MA0107.1
RELA IMR90 (lung fibroblasts) TNF Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE43070 MA0107.1
RELA AC16 (normal cardiomyocytes) TNFA Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE51169 MA0107.1
RELA HUVEC-C (HUVEC, umbilical vein endothelial cells) TNF_JQ1 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE53998 MA0107.1
RELA MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) E2 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE59530 MA0107.1
RELA MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) E2_TNF Permissive Homo sapiens GSE59530 MA0107.1
RELA MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) TNF Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE59530 MA0107.1
RELA TH1_BAY Permissive Homo sapiens GSE62482 MA0107.1
RELA TH1_DMSO Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE62482 MA0107.1
RELA SGBS (Simpson Golabi Behmel syndrome type 1 adipocytes) TNF Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE64233 MA0107.1
RELA HDF(human dermal fibroblasts) DMSO Permissive Homo sapiens GSE77225 MA0107.1
RELA HDF(human dermal fibroblasts) NUTLIN Permissive Homo sapiens GSE77225 MA0107.1
RELA LNCaP (prostate carcinoma) DHT_TNFA Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE83860 MA0107.1
RELA LNCaP (prostate carcinoma) SICTR_TNFA Permissive Homo sapiens GSE83860 MA0107.1
RELA LNCaP (prostate carcinoma) SIFOXA1_TNFA Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE83860 MA0107.1
RELA LNCaP (prostate carcinoma) TNFA Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE83860 MA0107.1
RELA IMR90 (lung fibroblasts) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE43070 MA0107.1
RELA AC16 (normal cardiomyocytes) Permissive Homo sapiens GSE51169 MA0107.1
RELA HUVEC-C (HUVEC, umbilical vein endothelial cells) Permissive Homo sapiens GSE53998 MA0107.1
RELA MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE59530 MA0107.1
RELA SGBS (Simpson Golabi Behmel syndrome type 1 adipocytes) Permissive Homo sapiens GSE64233 MA0107.1