Detailed information of STAT92E

Dataset summary

TF Name: STAT92E Species: Drosophila melanogaster
Cell-type/Tissue: whole organism Condition/Source: strain: yellow cinnabar brown speck, genotype: iso-1 : y[1]; Gr22b[1] Gr22d[1] cn[1] CG33964[R4.2] bw[1] sp[1]; LysC[1] MstProx[1] GstD5[1] Rh6[1]
JASPAR ID: MA0532.1 Collections: Permissive
References: ENCODE ENCSR894SLL GEO GSM847954 GTRD EXP044111

External links

Statistical details

Model Peak caller Model ID Enrichment Zone TFBSs Score threshold Centrality p-value (log10)
DAMO MACS MA0532.1 14 37 87.3 0.0

2 datasets found for the same TF (STAT92E) in other cell-types/tissues

TF Name Cell-line Condition/Source Collections Species Identifiers JASPAR ID
STAT92E whole organism (development stage: embryonic) strain: Stat92E-GFP, genotype: w[1118]; PBac{y[+mDint2] w[+mC]=Stat92E-GFP.FLAG}VK00037 Permissive Drosophila melanogaster ENCSR494UZY MA0532.1
STAT92E intestines (developmental stage: adult) strain: W1118; genotype: esgts>Upd STAT92E (intestines ectopically expressing Upd and STAT92E in the progenitor cells) Permissive Robust Drosophila melanogaster GSE67346 ... MA0532.1