Detailed information of TP53

Dataset summary

TF Name: TP53 Species: Homo sapiens
Cell-type/Tissue: MCF-7 C4-12 (invasive breast ductal carcinoma) Condition/Source: 400 ng/mL neocarzinostatin for 3 h
JASPAR ID: MA0106.3 Collections: Permissive Robust
References: GEO GSE101737 GSM2714251 GTRD EXP036874

External links

Statistical details

Model Peak caller Model ID Enrichment Zone TFBSs Score threshold Centrality p-value (log10)
DAMO MACS MA0106.3 64.5 2695 80.5 -66.6779582079428

171 datasets found for the same TF (TP53) in other cell-types/tissues

TF Name Cell-line Condition/Source Collections Species Identifiers JASPAR ID
TP53 lymphoblastoid cells Doxo Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE46991 ... MA0106.3
TP53 lymphoblastoid cells vehicle Permissive Homo sapiens GSE46991 ... MA0106.3
TP53 lymphoblastoid cells nutlin-3 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE46992 ... MA0106.3
TP53 lymphoblastoid cells ionizing radiation Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE46993 ... MA0106.3
TP53 BJ (fibroblasts) p53 KO Permissive Homo sapiens GSE20076 ... MA0106.3
TP53 embryonic stem cells untreated Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE26361 ... MA0106.3
TP53 embryonic stem cells adriamycin Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE26361 ... MA0106.3
TP53 embryonic stem cells untreated Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE26361 ... MA0106.3
TP53 embryonic stem cells adriamycin Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE26361 ... MA0106.3
TP53 embryonic fibroblasts 0.2ug/ml doxorubicin for 6h Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE46240 ... MA0106.3
TP53 embryonic fibroblasts 0.2ug/ml doxorubicin for 6h Permissive Mus musculus GSE46240 ... MA0106.3
TP53 BJ (fibroblasts) none Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE55912 ... MA0106.3
TP53 BJ (fibroblasts) ionizing radiation Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE55912 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells mock Permissive Mus musculus GSE71175 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells 4h 7Gy Permissive Mus musculus GSE71175 ... MA0106.3
TP53 spleen non-B-cells mock Permissive Mus musculus GSE71175 ... MA0106.3
TP53 spleen non-B-cells 4h 7Gy Permissive Mus musculus GSE71175 ... MA0106.3
TP53 spleen 4h 7Gy Permissive Mus musculus GSE71175 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) irradiation 0h Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE100099 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) irradiation 1h Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE100099 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) irradiation 2.5h Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE100099 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) irradiation 4h Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE100099 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) irradiation 5h Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE100099 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) irradiation 7.5h Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE100099 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) irradiation 7.5h + Nutlin Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE100099 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) 400 ng/mL neocarzinostatin for 3 h Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE101737 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) untreated Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE101737 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) untreated Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE101737 ... MA0106.3
TP53 SW480 (colon adenocarcinoma) TNF-alpha 0 h Permissive Homo sapiens GSE102796 ... MA0106.3
TP53 SW480 (colon adenocarcinoma) TNF-alpha 16 h Permissive Homo sapiens GSE102796 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Trp53KI/∆ lymphomas, 2hrs 1/1000 vol. EtOH Permissive Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Trp53KI/∆ lymphomas, 2hrs 1/1000 vol. EtOH Permissive Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Trp53KI/∆ lymphomas, 2hrs 1/1000 vol. EtOH Permissive Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Trp53KI/∆ lymphomas, 2hrs 1/1000 vol. EtOH Permissive Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Trp53KI/∆ lymphomas, 2hrs 100nM OHT Permissive Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Trp53KI/∆ lymphomas, 2hrs 100nM OHT Permissive Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Trp53KI/∆ lymphomas, 2hrs 100nM OHT Permissive Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Trp53KI/∆ lymphomas, 2hrs 100nM OHT Permissive Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Arf-/- Trp53+/+ lymphomas Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Arf-/- Trp53+/+ lymphomas Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Arf-/- Trp53+/+ lymphomas Permissive Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Arf-/- Trp53+/+ lymphomas, 3hrs 1/1000 vol. H2O Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Arf-/- Trp53+/+ lymphomas, 3hrs 1/1000 vol. H2O Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Arf-/- Trp53+/+ lymphomas, 3hrs 1/1000 vol. H2O Permissive Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Arf-/- Trp53+/+ lymphomas, 3hrs 0.5/1000 vol. DMSO Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Arf-/- Trp53+/+ lymphomas, 3hrs 0.5/1000 vol. DMSO Permissive Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Arf-/- Trp53+/+ lymphomas, 3hrs 0.5/1000 vol. DMSO Permissive Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Arf-/- Trp53+/+ lymphomas, 3hrs 5µM (+)-Nutlin Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Arf-/- Trp53+/+ lymphomas, 3hrs 5µM (+)-Nutlin Permissive Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Arf-/- Trp53+/+ lymphomas, 3hrs 5µM (+)-Nutlin Permissive Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Arf-/- Trp53+/+ lymphomas, 3hrs 1µM doxorubicin Permissive Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Arf-/- Trp53+/+ lymphomas, 3hrs 1µM doxorubicin Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Arf-/- Trp53+/+ lymphomas, 3hrs 1µM doxorubicin Permissive Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Arf-/- Trp53+/+ lymphomas, 3hrs 5µM (-)-Nutlin Permissive Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Arf-/- Trp53+/+ lymphomas, 3hrs 5µM (-)-Nutlin Permissive Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 B-cells lymph nodes from Eμ-myc Arf-/- Trp53+/+ lymphomas, 3hrs 5µM (-)-Nutlin Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE80186 ... MA0106.3
TP53 HCT-116 (colon carcinoma) DMSO Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE86164 ... MA0106.3
TP53 HCT-116 (colon carcinoma) Nutlin Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE86164 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) DMSO Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE86164 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) Nutlin Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE86164 ... MA0106.3
TP53 SJSA-1(osteosarcoma) DMSO Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE86164 ... MA0106.3
TP53 SJSA-1(osteosarcoma) Nutlin Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE86164 ... MA0106.3
TP53 E14TG2a.4 (embryonic stem cells) Recombinant human Activin A (R&D Systems, 338-AC) were used at 50ng/ml. Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE70486 ... MA0106.3
TP53 E14TG2a.4 (embryonic stem cells) SB431542 (Tocris, #1614) were used at 10μM Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE70486 ... MA0106.3
TP53 bone marrow-derived macrophages irradiated with 6Gy IR for 0h Permissive Mus musculus GSE100962 ... MA0106.3
TP53 bone marrow-derived macrophages irradiated with 6Gy IR for 0.5h Permissive Mus musculus GSE100962 ... MA0106.3
TP53 bone marrow-derived macrophages irradiated with 6Gy IR for 1h Permissive Mus musculus GSE100962 ... MA0106.3
TP53 bone marrow-derived macrophages irradiated with 6Gy IR for 2h Permissive Mus musculus GSE100962 ... MA0106.3
TP53 bone marrow-derived macrophages irradiated with 6Gy IR for 6h Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE100962 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) Treatment: 4GY for 2hrs; Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE100292 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) Treatment: 4GY for 2hrs; Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE100292 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) Treatment: Decitabine; Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE100292 ... MA0106.3
TP53 PHA-simulated human T-lynphocytes Treatment: 0.1% DMSO for 24 hrs Source: healthy volunteer#45 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE110368 ... MA0106.3
TP53 PHA-simulated human T-lynphocytes Treatment: 0.3 ug/ml Doxorubicin for 24 hrs Source: healthy volunteer #45 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE110368 ... MA0106.3
TP53 PHA-simulated human T-lynphocytes Treatment: 10 uM Nutlin-3 for 24 hrs Source: healthy volunteer #45 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE110368 ... MA0106.3
TP53 PHA-simulated human T-lynphocytes Treatment: 0.1% DMSO for 24 hrs Source: healthy volunteer#90 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE110368 ... MA0106.3
TP53 PHA-simulated human T-lynphocytes Treatment: 0.3 ug/ml Doxorubicin for 24 hrs Source: healthy volunteer #90 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE110368 ... MA0106.3
TP53 PHA-simulated human T-lynphocytes Treatment: 10 uM Nutlin-3 for 24 hrs Source: healthy volunteer #90 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE110368 ... MA0106.3
TP53 PHA-simulated human T-lynphocytes Treatment: 0.1% DMSO for 24 hrs Source: healthy volunteer#104 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE110368 ... MA0106.3
TP53 PHA-simulated human T-lynphocytes Treatment: 0.3 ug/ml Doxorubicin for 24 hrs Source: healthy volunteer #104 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE110368 ... MA0106.3
TP53 PHA-simulated human T-lynphocytes Treatment: 10 uM Nutlin-3 for 24 hrs Source: healthy volunteer #104 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE110368 ... MA0106.3
TP53 PHA-simulated human T-lynphocytes Treatment: 0.1% DMSO for 24 hrs Source: healthy volunteer#116 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE110368 ... MA0106.3
TP53 PHA-simulated human T-lynphocytes Treatment: 0.3 ug/ml Doxorubicin for 24 hrs Source: healthy volunteer #116 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE110368 ... MA0106.3
TP53 PHA-simulated human T-lynphocytes Treatment: 10 uM Nutlin-3 for 24 hrs Source: healthy volunteer #116 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE110368 ... MA0106.3
TP53 U2OS (osteosarcoma) Treatment: untreated control Sex: female Age:15 years Tissue: bone Permissive Homo sapiens GSE110800 ... MA0106.3
TP53 U2OS (osteosarcoma) Treatment:2hr after irradiation with 10Gy (1Gy/min) Sex: female Age:15 years Tissue: bone Permissive Homo sapiens GSE110800 ... MA0106.3
TP53 U2OS (osteosarcoma) Treatment:4hr after irradiation with 10Gy (1Gy/min) Sex: female Age:15 years Tissue: bone Permissive Homo sapiens GSE110800 ... MA0106.3
TP53 IMR90 (lung fibroblasts) Treatment: etoposide (100uM, 6hrs) Source: IMR90 fetal lung fibroblasts Passage: #30-35 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE115940 ... MA0106.3
TP53 SW480 (colon adenocarcinoma) treatment: TNF for 16hr Celltype: colon cancer cells Genotype: stable control (LacZ) knockdown Permissive Homo sapiens GSE115985 ... MA0106.3
TP53 SW480 (colon adenocarcinoma) treatment: TNF for 16hr Celltype: colon cancer cells Genotype: stable p53 knockdown Permissive Homo sapiens GSE115985 ... MA0106.3
TP53 HIV-1 latently-infected central memory T cells cultured from uninfected primary T cells Treatment: no treatment, control Permissive Homo sapiens GSE83317 ... MA0106.3
TP53 LOXIMVI Treatment: 4GY for 2hrs; Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE100292 ... MA0106.3
TP53 UO31 Treatment: 4GY for 2hrs; Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE100292 ... MA0106.3
TP53 A498 Treatment: 4GY for 2hrs; Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE100292 ... MA0106.3
TP53 U2OS (osteosarcoma) Treatment: 4GY for 2hrs; Permissive Homo sapiens GSE100292 ... MA0106.3
TP53 SK-MEL-5 (Cutaneous melanoma) Treatment: 4GY for 2hrs; Permissive Homo sapiens GSE100292 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MALME3 Treatment: 4GY for 2hrs; Permissive Homo sapiens GSE100292 ... MA0106.3
TP53 NCI-H460 (Large cell lung carcinoma) Treatment: 4GY for 2hrs; Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE100292 ... MA0106.3
TP53 A549 (lung carcinoma) Treatment: 4GY for 2hrs; Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE100292 ... MA0106.3
TP53 HCT-116 (colon carcinoma) Treatment: 4GY for 2hrs; Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE100292 ... MA0106.3
TP53 UACC62 Treatment: 4GY for 2hrs; Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE100292 ... MA0106.3
TP53 UACC257 Treatment: 4GY for 2hrs; Permissive Homo sapiens GSE100292 ... MA0106.3
TP53 UACC257 Treatment: 4GY for 2hrs; Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE100292 ... MA0106.3
TP53 RPE Treatment: 4GY for 2hrs; Permissive Homo sapiens GSE100292 ... MA0106.3
TP53 IMR90 (lung fibroblasts) Treatment: DMSO for 6hrs; Passage: 30-35; Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE58740 ... MA0106.3
TP53 IMR90 (lung fibroblasts) Treatment: nutlin3a (5uM final) for 6hrs; Passage: 30-35; Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE58740 ... MA0106.3
TP53 foreskin fibroblast Treatment: DMSO for 6 hrs; Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE111009 ... MA0106.3
TP53 foreskin fibroblast Treatment: 5 uM Nutlin3A for 6 hrs; Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE111009 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MCF10A (breast epithelial cells) Treatment: DMSO for 6 hrs; Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE111009 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MCF10A (breast epithelial cells) Treatment: 5 uM Nutlin3A for 6 hrs; Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE111009 ... MA0106.3
TP53 foreskin fibroblast Treatment: DMSO for 6 hrs; Permissive Homo sapiens GSE111009 ... MA0106.3
TP53 NMuMG (mammary epithelial cells) Treatment: not treated, not infectred; Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE87002 ... MA0106.3
TP53 NMuMG (mammary epithelial cells) Treatment: 0.5 uM Adriamycin for 8hrs, not infectred; Permissive Robust Mus musculus GSE87002 ... MA0106.3
TP53 NMuMG (mammary epithelial cells) Treatment: not treated, infected with L-pWPI empy vector; Permissive Mus musculus GSE87002 ... MA0106.3
TP53 NMuMG (mammary epithelial cells) Treatment: not treated, infected with L-pWPI-MycER; Permissive Mus musculus GSE87002 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) NUT Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE47041 MA0106.3
TP53 HCT-116 (colon carcinoma) IR Permissive Homo sapiens GSE60267 MA0106.3
TP53 E15.5 embryonic kidney Permissive Mus musculus GSE49916 ... MA0106.3
TP53 BJ (fibroblasts) Permissive Homo sapiens GSE20076 ... MA0106.3
TP53 fibroblasts Permissive Homo sapiens GSE36749 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MDA-MB-231 (breast adenocarcinoma) Permissive Homo sapiens GSE66543 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MDA231-LM2-4175 (breast adenocarcinoma) Permissive Homo sapiens GSE95303 ... MA0106.3
TP53 MCF7 (Invasive ductal breast carcinoma) Permissive Homo sapiens GSE109481 ... MA0106.3
TP53 SaOS2 (osteosarcoma) Permissive Homo sapiens ERP002038 MA0106.3
TP53 NCI-H1299 (large cell lung carcinoma) Permissive Homo sapiens ERP022459 MA0106.3
TP53 SaOS2 (osteosarcoma) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE15780 MA0106.3
TP53 IMR90 (lung fibroblasts) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE31558 MA0106.3
TP53 H9 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE39912 MA0106.3
TP53 SaOS2 (osteosarcoma) Permissive Homo sapiens GSE51268 MA0106.3
TP53 GM00011 (fetal skin fibroblasts) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE55727 MA0106.3
TP53 GM06170 (fetal skin fibroblasts) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE55727 MA0106.3
TP53 HCT-116 (colon carcinoma) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE58714 MA0106.3
TP53 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE59176 MA0106.3
TP53 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE59176 MA0106.3
TP53 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE59176 MA0106.3
TP53 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE59176 MA0106.3
TP53 HepG2 (hepatoblastoma) Permissive Homo sapiens GSE64877 MA0106.3
TP53 U2OS (osteosarcoma) UV_16H Permissive Robust Homo sapiens ERP004176 MA0106.3
TP53 U2OS (osteosarcoma) UV_8H Permissive Robust Homo sapiens ERP004176 MA0106.3
TP53 NUT Permissive Robust Homo sapiens ERP014035 MA0106.3
TP53 TPA_24H Permissive Homo sapiens ERP014035 MA0106.3
TP53 TPA_4H Permissive Homo sapiens ERP014035 MA0106.3
TP53 hESC-1 (Embryonic stem cells) DAMAGED Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE39912 MA0106.3
TP53 hESC-1 (Embryonic stem cells) DIFF Permissive Homo sapiens GSE39912 MA0106.3
TP53 IMR90 (lung fibroblasts) SENES_SHLUC Permissive Homo sapiens GSE42728 MA0106.3
TP53 IMR90 (lung fibroblasts) SENES_SHP53 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE42728 MA0106.3
TP53 U2OS (osteosarcoma) DMSO Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE46641 MA0106.3
TP53 U2OS (osteosarcoma) DXR Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE46641 MA0106.3
TP53 U2OS (osteosarcoma) NUT Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE46641 MA0106.3
TP53 IMR90 (lung fibroblasts) APO Permissive Homo sapiens GSE53491 MA0106.3
TP53 IMR90 (lung fibroblasts) SENE Permissive Homo sapiens GSE53491 MA0106.3
TP53 keratinocytes ADRIA Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE56674 MA0106.3
TP53 keratinocytes CISP Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE56674 MA0106.3
TP53 HCT-116 (colon carcinoma) 5FU Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE58506 MA0106.3
TP53 IMR90 (lung fibroblasts) DMSO Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE58740 MA0106.3
TP53 IMR90 (lung fibroblasts) NUT3A Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE58740 MA0106.3
TP53 HCT-116 (colon carcinoma) CAMP Permissive Homo sapiens GSE74355 MA0106.3
TP53 HCT-116 (colon carcinoma) DMSO_KOATF3 Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE74355 MA0106.3
TP53 U2OS (osteosarcoma) Permissive Homo sapiens ERP004176 MA0106.3
TP53 Permissive Homo sapiens ERP014035 MA0106.3
TP53 IMR90 (lung fibroblasts) Permissive Homo sapiens GSE42728 MA0106.3
TP53 U2OS (osteosarcoma) Permissive Homo sapiens GSE46641 MA0106.3
TP53 keratinocytes Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE56674 MA0106.3
TP53 HCT-116 (colon carcinoma) Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE58506 MA0106.3
TP53 U2OS (osteosarcoma) ETO Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE21939 MA0106.3
TP53 U2OS (osteosarcoma) ACTD Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE21939 MA0106.3
TP53 U2OS (osteosarcoma) ACTD Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE21939 MA0106.3
TP53 U2OS (osteosarcoma) ACTD Permissive Homo sapiens GSE21939 MA0106.3
TP53 U2OS (osteosarcoma) ETO Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE21939 MA0106.3
TP53 U2OS (osteosarcoma) ETO Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE21939 MA0106.3
TP53 U2OS (osteosarcoma) ETO Permissive Robust Homo sapiens GSE21939 MA0106.3